All About Us

Fun English Lessons

“Helps busy people improve their English and feel confident quickly in an enjoyable way.”

Fast, Effective and Fun. That’s what I want your language learning experience to be. Fast. Effective. And more than anything else… FUN!

If this sounds good to you, then I’m very happy you are here – let’s learn English!

Want to know more?

If you need to learn English for…

  • your job or career
  • your school or university studies
  • your pure personal pleasure

…you’ve come to the right place.

Fun English Lessons is here to help make your language learning journey a rich and rewarding one.

Every lesson and exercise, activity and game, quiz and blog post, mind map and cheat sheet – you name it – is has been lovingly created to help your English get better than ever before.

I passionately believe that there are certain ways to learn – sometimes the exact opposite of what is actually done – which help us learn far better, faster and more enjoyably than traditional methods.

That’s why at Fun English Lessons you will find:

  1. Short, clear exercises
  2. Specific topics and essential points
  3. Colour, pictures and friendliness
  4. Lots of ways to interact and get involved
  5. A highly personal web site devoted to one thing: your success

As ever, if you have any questions just send me a message on the Contact Page or through the Forums, the Blog, Facebook or Twitter and I will get back to you.

I look forward to welcoming you to the Fun English Lessons community and may your English fly!

Your Fun English Teacher

 Want to know even more?

Fun English Lessons is my baby.

With the Fun English Lessons community and website I have a very clear goal in life:

To make learning English – finally – Fast, Effective and Fun.

My name is Sab Will and I have more than 20 years’ experience teaching English.

I have taught adults and I have taught children.

I have taught business professionals in prestigious meeting rooms in top international companies.

I have taught bare-footed village kids in a remote hilltop school house in deepest Greece.

I have had good times and I have had not-so-good times.

Sometimes I have struggled and sometimes I have soared.

But most of all I have seen ordinary people from all walks of life doing their best to learn this fascinating, frustrating, crazy and wonderful language I grew up speaking: English.

I have lived, breathed and dreamt English teaching for nearly half my life.

I love English.

I love teaching.

And above all… I love people.

My goal is to help at least a million people improve their English by the time I’m 50. My 50th birthday is in August 2015.

I want people to enjoy learning English quickly- useful English which will genuinely help them progress and succeed in their everyday lives.

Fast, Effective and Fun.

English is recognised as the most important international language for business, politics, research and simple global communication today.

Possessing good communication skills in English can lead to professional success and huge personal satisfaction for many people around the world.

So learning English should be an exciting, motivating and ultimately rewarding experience.

Ideally, it should be Fast, Effective and Fun.

Unfortunately, this is not usually the case. Traditional language learning is often poorly adapted to the real needs of modern students and working professionals.

#People are scared to open their mouths#

At worst it is boring, demoralising and ineffective.

People end up unable to communicate effectively, scared to open their mouths and worried about not understanding and not being understood.

#Traditional methods don’t work#

In short, traditional language learning doesn’t work.

But are any of the many on-line options any better?

Well first of all, nothing can beat a face-to-face session with a real live English teacher!

But on-line there are a lot of things we can do which you can’t in a simple face-to-face paper or board-based lesson.

Unfortunately (again), a lot of the material you can find on-line is not very motivating, not particularly interactive and certainly not Fast or Fun.

Which is where Fun English Lessons comes in.

I have done everything possible to make the activities you will find here:

– relevant to your lives (real-world based)
– interactive (lots of listening, repeating, reading, watching, thinking and clicking)
– short and to the point (you can do them between two train stations)
– light-hearted and sometimes amusing (with a good dose of typical British humour, if you appreciate it)

In today’s non-stop world, people find it difficult or impossible to fond the time or the motivation to study English as much as they would like to.

If this is your situation, relax, I understand.

I created Fun English Lessons for busy people like you.

If you only have a few minutes in the day, I have short, useful quizzes and exercises for you. If you have more time, there are longer lessons and activities too.

Apart from the fact that all the materials are based on 20 years of solid real-world experience from a published Cambridge author (me), other key points include:

– a logically organised site
– clear and colourful pages
– motivating exercises
– an ever-present element of fun
– a strong social network presence- we have over 23,000 Facebook Fans and counting…

Along with the personal character of the site, and the ability to share your experiences and ask questions on Facebook and Twitter and our dedicated VIP Forum, we guarantee a fast and friendly service relating to any requests or queries our members may have.

So welcome again to Fun English Lessons, congratulations on your wise decision to join us, and May Your English Fly!

Your Fun English Teacher

P.S. Find out more (than you ever wanted to know) about Sab (and another of his crazy mind maps) here.

P.P.S. Be nice!

P.P.P.S. It’s HERE! If you’ve been desperately searching the Fun English Lessons site pages for our super Secret Agent Bonus (‘SAB’=A 1 Year FREE Pro Membership and another valuable gift!) well done! You’re on the right track and getting very warm indeed 🙂 Just a couple of clicks away, in fact…