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Music Lesson
& fine tune your English!
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Our Music Pack lessons are designed to help you improve all aspects of your English through the pleasure of listening to great songs.
There are 10 parts to each lesson:
- The Quick Introduction from Me, Sab! 😀
- The Music Video from an on-line source
- The Aural Comprehension section for listening practice
- The Song Words to enrich your vocabulary and help understanding
- The Vocabulary Definitions to test what you’ve heard and read
- The Listening Section for intensive aural training, slow and fast
- The Pronunciation Workshop to help your listening and speaking skills
- The 3 Quick Questions quiz for basic comprehension
- The 6 of the Best exercise to teach and practise important structures
- The 9 Lives of English test to consolidate and check what you’ve learnt
You can study in many different ways…
1) Just watch and listen to the song and try to understand
2) Read the text and check new words in your dictionary
3) Click the yellow ‘Translate‘ button (below, right) to help you understand
4) Listen to the ‘slow’ version of the text and repeat
5) Listen to the ‘normal’ version and repeat again with good pronunciation
6) You can do Steps 4 and 5 before Step 1 if you want
7) Use the ‘Pronunciation Workshop‘ to develop excellent pronunciation
8) Do the ‘3 Quick Questions‘ test to test your understanding
9) Study the ‘6 of the Best‘ Exercise to improve your grammar and vocabulary
10) Finish with the ‘9 Lives of English‘ exercise to really test what you have learnt
11) Click on ‘Mobile Phone’ link if you are having problems viewing the exercises
12) Repeat any or all of the above sections regularly to revise and rememeber what you have learnt
13) And most important: Have fun learning English!
Prince (R.I.P.)
~ When Doves Cry ~
Sab’s Introduction!
Listen FIRST, then Click HERE to read 😉
Hi There Classic Music Fans! 🕊
Today is a very sad day because a true musical legend – Prince – has just died. 😢
His music has been important for many people, especially those of us who were around when he first became famous back in the 1980s.
I remember hearing this incredible song – When Doves Cry – when it first came out around July 1984 and it had a very strong effect on me. Some songs do that and this was one of them.
I was at university at the time but I can genuinely remember being on a summer camp, in the Peak District, being madly obsessed with some girl, going to see her in Newcastle, her not being available, and all the time hearing When Doves Cry on the radio and in the pubs.
The best music is always closely linked to what is going on in our personal lives, don’t you think?
Prince went on to produce many more great tracks of course, but this one will always be my favourite.
Maybe you have a Prince story too! Feel free to share it in our Facebook groups and let us know what his music means to you. Peace. 🕊
1) Watch The Videos
WHAT TO DO: Enjoy listening with and without words and try to understand what he is singing about……
~ Original Version ~
~ Alex Clare Cover Version ~
~ Patti Smith Cover Version ~
~ Damien Rice Cover Version ~
2) Listen and Match
WHAT TO DO: Click in the boxes and complete the song lines.
3) Read The Text
WHAT TO DO: Listen again and read the words. Check new words in your dictionary or click on the yellow ‘Translate‘ button below right.
~ Prince ~ ‘When Doves Cry’ ~
Dig if you will the picture
Of you and I engaged in a kiss
The sweat of your body covers me
Can you my darling
Can you picture this?
Dream if you can a courtyard
An ocean of violets in bloom
Animals strike curious poses
They feel the heat
The heat between me and you
How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world that’s so cold? (So cold)
Maybe I’m just too demanding
Maybe I’m just like my father, too bold
Maybe you’re just like my mother
She’s never satisfied (She’s never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry*
Touch if you will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You’ve got the butterflies** all tied up
Don’t make me chase you
Even doves have pride
How could you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world so cold? (World so cold)
Maybe I’m just too demanding
Maybe I’m just like my father, too bold
Maybe you’re just like my mother
She’s never satisfied (She’s never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry
How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world that’s so cold? (A world that’s so cold)
Maybe you’re just too demanding (Maybe, maybe I’m like my father)
Maybe I’m just like my father, too bold (Ya know he’s too bold)
Maybe you’re just like my mother (Maybe you’re just like my mother)
She’s never satisfied (She’s never, never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other (Why do we scream, why)
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry
When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)
When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)
Don’t Cry (Don’t Cry)***
Songwriter: Prince Rogers Nelson
Lyrics: © Universal Music Publishing Group
*When Doves Cry (song) ~ Doves are a universal symbol for peace and love – they are calm and gentle birds which generally live together as ‘loving couples’! In this song Prince is sad because his couple is not a happy one. It is more painful because two sensitive and loving people – like doves – are unhappy. At least that’s how I understand it – maybe I’m wrong!
**Butterflies in my stomach (expression) ~ This is a typical English expression. If you say you have ‘butterflies in your stomach’ it means you feel nervous about something. This gives you a strange feeling in your stomach. You sometimes get butterflies in your stomach before an exam or when you are near someone you are secretly in love with…
***Prince RIP (pop star, acronym) ~ I am especially sad today because Prince, the singer of this amazing song, died a few hours ago. When someone has died and we mention their name, we often say ‘R.I.P.’ after it. RIP is an acronym which means ‘Rest In Peace’. It is a way of showing our respect for him. It also usually means we think they were a good person.
4) Vocabulary Definitions
WHAT TO DO: Click in the boxes and match the words with their definitions.
5) @=> LISTEN <=@
WHAT TO DO: Listen carefully and repeat with good intonation.
Slow Version
Fast Version
6) Pronunciation Workshop
WHAT TO DO: Listen and repeat after the slow and fast versions.
Dig if you will
sweat of your body
An ocean of violets in bloom
Alone in a world
Maybe you’re just like my mother
This is what it sounds like
Touch if you will
Don’t make me chase you
Why do we scream at each other
7) Quick Test ~ So Easy! 😀
Quick Questions
WHAT TO DO: Read the sentences and choose the correct one.
8) Mini Quiz ~ Let’s Go!! 😛
6 of the Best…
WHAT TO DO: Click in the box and choose the correct word.
9) Grand Finale ~ Yes You Can!!! 😈
Big Beautiful Test!
WHAT TO DO: Click in the box and write the correct word.