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Video Lesson
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Our Music Pack lessons are designed to help you improve all aspects of your English through the pleasure of listening to great songs.
There are 10 parts to each lesson:
- The Quick Introduction from Me, Sab! 😀
- The Video Report from an on-line source
- The Aural Comprehension section for listening practice
- The Video Text to enrich your vocabulary and help understanding
- The Vocabulary Definitions to test what you’ve heard and read
- The Listening Section for intensive aural training, slow & fast
- The Pronunciation Workshop to help your listening & speaking skills
- The 3 Quick Questions quiz for basic comprehension
- The 6 of the Best exercise to teach and practise important structures
- The 9 Lives of English test to consolidate and check what you’ve learnt
You can study in many different ways…
1) Just watch and listen to the video and try to understand
2) Read the text and check new words in your dictionary
3) Click the yellow ‘Translate‘ button (below, right) to help you understand
4) Listen to the ‘slow’ version of the text and repeat
5) Listen to the ‘normal’ version and repeat again with good pronunciation
6) You can do Steps 4 and 5 before Step 1 if you want
7) Use the ‘Pronunciation Workshop‘ to develop excellent pronunciation
8) Do the ‘3 Quick Questions‘ test to test your understanding
9) Study the ‘6 of the Best‘ Exercise to improve your grammar and vocabulary
10) Finish with the ‘9 Lives of English‘ exercise to really test what you have learnt
11) Click on ‘Mobile Phone’ link if you are having problems viewing the exercises
12) Repeat any or all of the above sections regularly to revise and rememeber what you have learnt
13) And most important: Have fun learning English!
Space ~ Sky Marathon

Sab’s Introduction!
Listen FIRST, then Click HERE to read 😉
Hello English fans, and welcome to this video lesson which is, literally, out of this world! 🚀
That’s right, this lesson we are going into space, to the International Space Station, to discover what the British astronaut, Tim Peake, has decided to do, and it’s quite breath-taking!
I used to dream of being an astronaut when I was a little boy, and of course followed the adventures of people like Flash Gordon, and Captain Kirk and Spock from Star Trek, and Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader from Star Wars too. 👽
Most astronauts are American or Russian of course, so it’s nice to see someone from a smaller country like Britain getting some glory for once.
There’s lots of new vocabulary in this lesson and maybe it will make you get up and do some sport. If Tim can do it in space, then so can we, right?
Have a good lesson and let me know what you think, in English in the forum as usual, ok?
See you next time, bye bye!
1) Watch The Video
WHAT TO DO: Listen carefully to the report and try to understand what the reporter says. Turn subtitles [CC] OFF the first time you watch and listen!
2) Listen and Match
WHAT TO DO: Click in the boxes and complete the lines from the video.
3) Read the Text
WHAT TO DO: Listen again and read the words. Check new words in your dictionary or click on the yellow ‘Translate‘ button below right.
Tim Peake Runs First Marathon In Space
Major Tim Peake has completed the London Marathon from space in 3 hours 35 minutes and 21 seconds.
The spaceman provided a countdown to start the mass race and sent a good luck message to all runners.
Strapped to a treadmill, the astronaut* used an iPad to watch the roads and crowds pass in real time, as if he was down on Earth.
Peak said training in space hadn’t been too bad.
“I’m very used to running up here now. I probably run with about 75% of my body weight and I’ve got a harness system here I can show you.
So this is what keeps me strapped to the treadmill when I run, and these chains connect to a bungee system and that keeps me on the treadmill and it gives me the weight-bearing*** that I need on my legs to stimulate those muscles.”
This isn’t his first attempt at the distance. The astronaut ran the London Marathon in 1999, finishing in three hours, 18 minutes and 50 seconds.
Back down on Earth Tim inspired others to take on their own challenges.
“Well, because Tim Peake’s our astronaut up in space I thought I’d give him some competition down here. He can’t be the only one running so I gave him a bit of a run for his money.”
Tim said he didn’t want to try to beat his previous time as he wanted to stay healthy for his return to Earth in June.
Source: ODN on You Tube
*astronaut (noun) ~ An astronaut is someone who is trained to travel in a spacecraft. -astro relates to the stars or outer space – in other words, the universe. A cosmonaut is a Russian astronaut. Cosmos also relates to the whole universe.
**Union Jack (flag) ~ The colourful flag you can see in some of the pictures is called the Union Jack. 🇬🇧 This is the flag of Great Britain (GB) or the United Kingdom (UK) which usually means the same thing. In the Union Jack flag you can see some other flags too. For example, the red cross is the English flag, and the which diagonal cross on blue is the Scottish flag. That’s interesting, isn’t it? Did you know that?
***weight-bearing (expression) ~ There is almost zero gravity in space. So you don’t ‘stick’ to the ground and you can’t run on it very easily! That’s why Tim Peake needs a harness to hold him down onto the treadmill so he can run. Weight means how heavy you are, measured in kilograms for example. Something that is ‘weight-bearing’ is something that will hold your weight.
4) Vocabulary Definitions
WHAT TO DO: Click in the boxes and match the words with their definitions.
5) @=> LISTEN <=@
WHAT TO DO: Listen carefully to the slow and fast versions and try to understand. Stop the recording and repeat with good intonation if you want.
Slow Version
Fast Version
6) Pronunciation Workshop
WHAT TO DO: Listen and repeat after the slow and fast versions.
7) Quick Test ~ So Easy! 😀
3 Quick Questions
WHAT TO DO: Choose the correct answer, A, B, or C.
8) Mini Quiz ~ Let’s Go!! 😛
6 of the Best…
WHAT TO DO: Click in the box and choose the correct word.
9) Grand Finale ~ Yes You Can!!! 😈
9 Lives of English!
WHAT TO DO: Click in the box and write the correct word.