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For FUN Students & Teachers of English!
“The Most Wonderful Words on the Web!”
(from FunEnglishLessons.com & RainbowEnglishSchool.org)

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Hello Everyone! How are you today?
It’s been a busy week for me. A new exhibition opened in the Marais district in Paris and one of my paintings is in it!
In this picture, you can see me and my painting. The exhibition features 102 artists and we want to raise awareness of road safety.
A lot of children are killed on the roads every year, so please be careful, when you cross the road and when you are driving too!
You can see my latest paintings HERE on my Infinity² website.
What is YOUR favourite way of creating? Tell us in the Fun English Lessons Facebook group HERE.
🤔 Quick Quiz 🤓
What do you call someone who drives badly and makes the roads dangerous for other people?
a) a street skunk
b) a road hog
c) a pavement prat
busy – working hard, doing a lot of things
district – a part of a city known for its special history or characteristics
raise awareness – to make more people know about something
be careful – to give a lot of attention to something so you don’t make a mistake or have an accident
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My local train drivers were on strike again last week. So I spent a lot of time on the platform waiting for the “one train out of three” that was supposed to be running. It really gets on my nerves.
When they’re not on strike, there is often maintenance work on the line all weekend at the moment. It’s driving me round the bend!
Sometimes I think that going on strike is the French national sport. That, and demonstrating in the street. It’s good to have the right to protest, but when I can’t get to my favourite city Paris, for work or play, it makes me tear my hair out with frustration. Or it would, if I had enough hair to tear out.
And when they aren’t on strike, and there isn’t maintenance work, there’s inevitably a problem with the electricity supply or a suspect package left somewhere or some idiot walking along the railway lines that makes all the trains about three hours late. All these problems really get up my nose.
Apart from that, it’s been a great week!
ENGLISH IDIOMS ~ Annoyance & Frustration
1) get on someone’s nerves ➜ to annoy someone a lot (same as 4)
2) drive someone round the bend ➜ to make someone very bored or very angry
3) tear your hair out ➜ to worry a lot about a problem
4) get up someone’s nose ➜ to really annoy someone (same as 1)

Visit the Facebook group HERE to chat about today’s English FunLetter and… have fun learning English with Fun English Lessons!
From BBC World: US & Canada
A missing game of Wordle helps end a 17-hour hostage ordeal
Family members were alarmed when 80-year-old Denyse Holt failed to send in her daily Wordle
A Chicago grandmother was rescued from a 17-hour hostage ordeal after police were alerted for the unlikeliest of reasons: a missing solution to the day’s Wordle challenge.
Denyse Holt, 80, was alone at home in Illinois on 5 February when a naked and mentally ill suspect entered her home.
Her daughter in faraway Seattle noticed something was amiss when Ms Holt failed to send her daily Wordle.
The suspect now faces several felony charges.
Wordle (noun) – a New York Times word game where you try to find a 5-letter word
hostage (noun) – someone kept as a prisoner to make other people do something
alarmed (noun) – worried or frightened by something
ordeal (noun) – a very unpleasant experience
unlikely (adjective) -not expected to happen
naked (adjective) – not wearing clothes; not covered by anything
suspect (noun) – someone who may have committed a crime
faraway (adjective) – a long distance away
amiss (adjective) – not quite right; something is wrong
felony (noun) – a serious crime
PHOTO of the DAY
One of my passions is taking photos and writing about Paris every day.
Here is today’s photo:
Write about this photo in English.
What can you see?
Where do you think it is?
What time or season is it?
Can you see any people or animals?
What are they doing?
How do they feel?
Do you like the photo? Why or why not?
Would you like to be in the photo?
Where would you prefer to be?
Post your texts in our Fun Facebook Group here, and comment on other people’s posts.
Quick Quiz – Answer 
Someone who drives badly and makes the roads dangerous for other people is called…
b) a road hog
* A ‘hog’ is another word for pig, and also a selfish, greedy person
Let’s make the English love go round!
Sab in Paris
Your Fun English Teacher