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For FUN Students & Teachers of English!
“The Most Wonderful Words on the Web!”
(from FunEnglishLessons.com & RainbowEnglishSchool.org)

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➜ Read my latest news & learn new vocabulary
Hello Fun English Fans, and welcome to March!
In the last FunLetter, I told you about a success and a failure from 2022. Today, I will tell you about my New Year’s Resolutions for 2023! It’s a little late, I know, but never mind!
People make New Year’s Resolutions on the 1st of January. They decide to do more sport or to stop smoking or to learn a new language. Sometimes they make the same resolutions year after year…
My resolutions for 2023 are:
1) To eat healthily and exercise regularly
2) To create a Paris Masterclass
3) To publish my English FunLetter for my students weekly!
To start with, I intend to eliminate all refined sugar from my diet. For example, I will give up chocolate and crisps, ice cream and sweets. I will exercise at home three or four times a week and I will go for daily walks in the fresh air too.
After that, I will create a series of video lessons describing the history, architecture and curiosities of the French capital, which is one of my great passions.
Finally, I will make my English FunLetter a fortnightly or even a weekly publication to help all my students learn English better while having fun, of course! At the moment it’s monthly.
I will let you know how I get on as the year goes on!
What about YOU? What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2023? Have you broken them yet, or are you still on track?
If you don’t like the word resolution, you can call them your plans, projects, hopes or dreams if you want to.
Share your ideas, written or recorded in a video, in our very friendly Facebook Group here.
Quick Quiz 
What was the world record for the most push-ups done in 1 hour, set in 2022?
a) 3182 push-ups
b) 4936 push-ups
c) 5279 push-ups
resolution (n) – a promise to yourself to do something
healthily (adv) – in a way that shows a person or living thing is strong and well
eliminate (v) – remove or take away someone or something
refined sugar (n) – pure sugar with no other substances in it
give up (v) – stop doing or eating something because you think it is bad for you
curiosity (n) – something that is interesting because it is rare and unusual
fortnightly (adj) – happening every two weeks
weekly (adj) – happening every week
publication (n) – a book, magazine or newspaper in which information or stories are published
monthly (adj) – happening every month
get on (v) – manage or deal with a situation
go on (v) – continue
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4 Interactive Grammar Lessons + One Song-Based Lesson
+ 1 Video-Based Lesson + 1 Article-Based Lesson

2) The Daily Fundle
➜ Play my fun word game & learn cool new things
It’s white or yellowish
It can be solid or liquid
It was a famous musical group from the sixties
It can mean ‘the best of the best’
It is very high in fat content
It comes from cow’s milk
a thick, yellowish-white liquid that is taken from milk

3) Adventures in Language
➜ Learn interesting idioms, metaphors, proverbs, expressions and oddities
From Glamour* To Grime**
9 Common Similes
A simile is a comparison between two things to emphasise some characteristic, like size or colour.
For example:
1) The new Louis Vuitton statue in Paris is as big as a house.
2) Her hair is as red as a tomato.
3) Her dress is as white as snow.
A house is big, so the statue must be big too. A tomato is very red, so her hair must be very red too. Snow is white, so her dress must be really white too. You get the idea!
Similes make your English much more interesting and powerful. Here are some common similes with animals:
4) She fought off three attackers. She’s as brave as a lion.
5) I have a lot of work at the moment. I’m as busy as a bee.
6) Ask my grandmother what to do; she’s as wise as an owl.
These similes use the structure: AS + adjective + AS + noun. If you say someone is ‘as brave as a lion’, it means they are very brave. Here are three more examples:
7) It’s as cold as ice in Paris at the moment! Is the sun ever coming back?
8) My love for my students is as deep as the ocean – it’s true, it’s true!
9) The city is as dirty as a pigsty with the rubbish collectors on strike!
TRANSLATE THIS PAGE into your language to quickly understand all the similes and use them when you can!
*Glamour = the quality of being attractive, exciting and special
**Grime = dirt that covers a surface
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Visit the Facebook group HERE to chat about today’s English FunLetter and… have fun learning English with Fun English Lessons!

4) Quick 1-QUESTION Quiz
➜ Try this tiny 10-second English test!

Hear the question and the answer:
The _____ The Path.
a) book’s called
b) book is name
c) name of book is
The book’s called The Path.

5) WORDS in the NEWS
➜ Learn current vocabulary from interesting news stories
From BBC News: UK

The Crooked House: Britain’s ‘wonkiest pub’ to be sold
A pub thought to be Britain’s wonkiest has been put up for sale by its owners.
The Crooked House on Himley Road, near Dudley is one of 61 freehold pubs being sold by Marston’s PLC.
It comes as part of a nationwide review by the Wolverhampton-based company, which owns about 1,500 pubs across the UK.
The 18th Century Crooked House has been a popular attraction in the region, with visitors flocking to see the distinctive leaning building.
It was first built in 1765 as a farmhouse, but due to mining in the area during the early 19th Century, one side of the building began to gradually sink.
wonky (adj) – not straight or level
freehold pub (noun) – a pub owned and operated independently, without support from a brewery or pub company
nationwide (adj) – existing or happening in all parts of a particular country
flock (verb) – to move or come together in large numbers
lean (verb) – to slope one way, or to move the top part of something in a particular direction
mining (noun) – the activity of taking things like coal or metal from the ground by digging
sink (verb) – to go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance

6) PHOTO of the DAY
➜ Practise describing a photo in detail
One of my passions is taking photos and writing about Paris in France and the Lake District in Britain every day.
Here is today’s photo:
Write about this photo or record yourself speaking about it in English.
What can you see?
Where do you think it is?
What time or season is it?
What is the weather like?
Can you see any people or animals?
What are they doing?
What are they wearing?
How do they feel?
Do you like the photo? Why or why not?
Would you like to be in the photo?
Where would you prefer to be?
Listen to the end of the video above and hear me describe this photo in detail!
Post your texts or voice recordings/videos in our Fun Facebook Group here, and comment on other people’s posts.
Quick Quiz – Answer 
In 2022, Australian Daniel Scali broke the Guinness World Record for the most push-ups performed in 1 hour with:
a) 3812 push-ups
How many push-ups can you do? I think 10 is a reasonable number, don’t you?!
Let’s make the English love go round!