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For FUN Students & Teachers of English!
“The Most Wonderful Words on the Web!”
(from FunEnglishLessons.com & RainbowEnglishSchool.org)
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1) EVERY English FunLetter gives you interesting new English to learn and practise.
2) SIGN UP for Sab’s English FunLetter HERE and never miss a new edition!
3) VISIT the Fun English Lessons Blog often to read the FunLetters and…
a) LISTEN to me reading the words
b) TRANSLATE the words into your language if you want to.
4) STUDY the FREE English lesson I give you each week.
5) DISCUSS the FunLetter in our Facebook Group HERE.
Most importantly, have FUN learning English, with Fun English Lessons!
Hi Everyone – It’s nearly the end of January, and I’m quite satisfied with the start to the year. What about you? Has this been a good first month?
My big personal creative project for 2022 is to learn to draw and paint better.
I am doing an online painting course at the moment. I often run out of steam after a few days, but if I do miss a few days, I’ll try to get back on track as soon as possible.
I will show you some of my personal paintings soon! Don’t laugh
So far* in 2022, I have published 27 new Paris photos and 27 new texts.
I have also written five new poems. This year I am trying to write one new poem a week, so I am doing well.
I am running a Fun 5-Day Creativity Challenge this January – you can join here and practise your English in great company!
My son Léo and I went to discover the new T9 tram line going from Paris to Orly last weekend.
We also visited two new metro stations on Line 4, called Barbara and Bagneux – Lucie Aubrac.
Barbara was a famous French singer and she is buried* in Bagneux cemetery.
Lucie Aubrac was part of the French Resistance* during the Second World War.
so far – until now, up to this point
bury – put someone under the ground when they are dead
French Resistance – the French people who helped to stop the Nazis
Visit the Facebook group HERE to chat about today’s English FunLetter and… have fun learning English with Fun English Lessons!

1) “run out of steam” ➜ to stop doing something because you have no more energy or enthusiasm
Example: “I wanted to learn Spanish this year but I ran out of steam after two weeks.”
2) “get back on track” ➜ to correct some problem and move towards success again
Example: “It will take time for the economy to get back on track after the health crisis.”
From BBC World – Asia:
“Ukraine crisis: Nord Stream 2 pipeline could be axed, US warns”
Ukrainian soldiers are facing some 100,000 Russian soldiers massed on their borders.
The US has threatened to halt the opening of a key pipeline that would send Russian gas to Western Europe, if Russia invades Ukraine.
Nord Stream 2 would run from Russia to Germany, and on Thursday officials in Berlin said the project could face sanctions if Russia attacks.
axed – stopped suddenly, without warning
massed – collected together in large numbers
sanctions – a punishment for not obeying a rule or a law
PHOTO of the DAY
I publish photos and write about Paris every day. Here is today’s photo:
Write about this photo in English.
What can you see?
Where do you think it is?
What time or season is it?
Can you see any people or animals?
What are they doing?
How do they feel?
Do you like the photo? Why or why not?
Would you like to be in the photo?
Where would you prefer to be?
Post your texts in our Fun Facebook Group here, and comment on other people’s posts.
Let’s make the English love go round!
Sab in Paris
Your Fun English Teacher