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For FUN Students & Teachers of English!
“The Most Wonderful Words on the Web!”
(from FunEnglishLessons.com & RainbowEnglishSchool.org)
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1) EVERY English FunLetter gives you interesting new English to learn and practise.
2) SIGN UP for Sab’s English FunLetter HERE and never miss a new edition!
3) VISIT the Fun English Lessons Blog often to read the FunLetters and…
a) LISTEN to me reading the words
b) TRANSLATE the words into your language if you want to.
4) STUDY the FREE English lesson I give you each week.
5) DISCUSS the FunLetter in our Facebook Group HERE.
Most importantly, have FUN learning English, with Fun English Lessons!
Hello everyone, and Happy February, the month of love!
That’s right, the 14th of February is Valentine’s Day*, when you can tell the people you love them – officially – how cool is that?! 😍
You can tell them you love them on other days too – the choice is yours…
My current* creative challenge is happening in my Infinite Creativity NOW group on Facebook, and anyone can take part.
Just create something original between now and 14th February and post it in the group.
If you post something for three days in a row*, I will send you a personalised postcard from Paris… with love!
Valentine’s Day – the 14th February, when lovers show their affection with words or gifts
current – at the moment, up to date, happening now
in a row – in a line, one after the other
Join my… Infinite Creativity NOW Masterclass
This amazing Masterclass starts on the 14th February: Valentine’s Day!
🏹 Let Your Creative Genius Out HERE, in great company.
(Use Coupon Code: FUNLETTER for an exclusive offer – an EXTRA €100 OFF!)
I saw that Rafael Nadal won the Australian Open tennis tournament at the weekend.
I thought Novak Djokovic would win but I backed the wrong horse. He wasn’t allowed to play because he couldn’t prove he was vaccinated! The ball was in his court but he decided not to play it.
Nadal has now won 21 Grand Slam men’s singles titles – more than anyone else. Nadal, Federer and Djokovic were neck and neck with 20 Grand Slams each, but Federer was injured and Djokovic dropped the ball on this occasion.
1) “back the wrong horse” ➜ to support a person or an effort that fails
2) ball in your court ➜ you have to decide what to do next
3) neck and neck ➜ very close together, at the same level, especially in a race
4) drop the ball ➜ to make a mistake, not perform well

Visit the Facebook group HERE to chat about today’s English FunLetter and… have fun learning English with Fun English Lessons!
From BBC World – US & Canada:
Almost 500-mile-long lightning bolt crossed three US states
An almost 500-mile long bolt of lightning that lit up the sky across three US states has set a new world record for longest flash, scientists have confirmed.
The lightning bolt, extended a total of 477.2 miles (768 km) and spread across Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.
The previous record was 440.6 miles (709 km) and recorded in Brazil in 2018.
lightning bolt – a flash of bright light in the sky that is produced by electricity moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground
light up the sky – make the sky much brighter
spread across – to cover or reach a wider or increasing area
PHOTO of the DAY
One of my passions is publishing photos and write about Paris every day.
Here is today’s photo:
EXERCISEWrite about this photo in English.
What can you see?
Where do you think it is?
What time or season is it?
Can you see any people or animals?
What are they doing?
How do they feel?
Do you like the photo? Why or why not?
Would you like to be in the photo?
Where would you prefer to be?
Post your texts in our Fun Facebook Group here, and comment on other people’s posts.
Let’s make the English love go round!
Sab in Paris
Your Fun English Teacher