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For FUN Students & Teachers of English!
“The Most Wonderful Words on the Web!”
(from FunEnglishLessons.com & RainbowEnglishSchool.org)

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1) EVERY English FunLetter gives you interesting new English to learn and practise.
2) SIGN UP for Sab’s English FunLetter HERE and never miss a new edition!
3) VISIT the Fun English Lessons Blog often to read the FunLetters and…
a) LISTEN to me reading the words
b) TRANSLATE the words into your language if you want to.
4) STUDY the FREE English lesson I give you each week.
5) DISCUSS the FunLetter in our Facebook Group HERE.
Most importantly, have FUN learning English, with Fun English Lessons!
Hello everyone, and welcome to today’s English FunLetter!
I’m doing a 3-Days-In-A-Row challenge in my Infinite Creativity NOW group at the moment and you can still take part.
You create something new, like a photo or a drawing or a poem or a recipe or a song or a dance, for three days in a row.
Can you see the postcards in the picture? I send everyone who successfully completes the challenge a colourful postcard from Paris. The postcard has one of my shortest but most symbolic poems on it, called “My Reality”.
You can read the whole poem here, on my Mystic Rhythms poetry site.
My son, Léo, whom you can see in the photo, is helping me put them in the postbox.
What do YOU love creating? Tell us in the Fun English Lessons Facebook group HERE.
challenge – something that is difficult and tests your ability or determination
recipe – a list of foods and instructions telling you how to cook something
symbolic – something that represents something else
postbox – a public metal container to put letters in to have them sent to someone else
Join my… Infinite Creativity NOW Masterclass
This amazing Masterclass starts on the 14th February: Valentine’s Day!
🏹 Let Your Creative Genius Out HERE, in great company.
(Use Coupon Code: FUNLETTER for an exclusive offer – an EXTRA €100 OFF!)
My girlfriend got Covid last week, and her daughter too.
They are both fully vaccinated, so they are only experiencing mild symptoms, like coughs and headaches.
Usually, she is as fit as a fiddle, so I’m hoping she will be back on her feet very soon.
I don’t think I’ve had Covid, and I’m feeling as right as rain, so I can’t complain.
A lot of people I know have had the virus, but I’m happy to say that they are all on their way to recovery and some are a picture of health again!
*cough (v) – make air come out of your throat with a short sound:
*headache (n) – pain inside your head
1) as fit as a fiddle ➜ very healthy and active
2) back on your feet ➜ in a strong position again after a period of difficulty
3) as right as rain ➜ feeling healthy and in good condition, not sick
4) on the way to recovery ➜ in the process of getting better / well
5) a picture of health ➜ to be completely / extremely healthy

Visit the Facebook group HERE to chat about today’s English FunLetter and… have fun learning English with Fun English Lessons!
From BBC World – Europe:
Russian gallery security guard accused of drawing eyes on painting
A Russian art gallery guard has been accused of doodling on a Soviet-era painting he was responsible for guarding on his first day in the job.
During a visit to the Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg in December, two visitors spotted eyes drawn in ballpoint pen on Anna Leporskaya’s work Three Figures.
The avant-garde painting features three abstract, and usually eyeless, figures.
The security guard has since been fired and the police have opened a criminal investigation.
accuse (verb) – to say that someone has done something bad
doodle (verb) – to draw little pictures or patterns on something without thinking about it
spot (verb) – to see or notice something or someone
abstract art – pictures with shapes and colours, not images of real people or things
fire (verb) – tell someone they must leave their job
PHOTO of the DAY
One of my passions is publishing photos and writing about Paris every day.
Here is today’s photo:
EXERCISEWrite about this photo in English.
What can you see?
Where do you think it is?
What time or season is it?
Can you see any people or animals?
What are they doing?
How do they feel?
Do you like the photo? Why or why not?
Would you like to be in the photo?
Where would you prefer to be?
Post your texts in our Fun Facebook Group here, and comment on other people’s posts.
Let’s make the English love go round!
Sab in Paris
Your Fun English Teacher