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Year 1: Cycle 2: Week 6
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~ Day 1: ‘advertising‘ ~
WORDPIC of the DAY: ‘advertising‘ ~ I have mixed feelings towards advertising; I both love it and detest it. I love it for its creativity, its inventiveness and its fascinatingly sneaky psychology. And I hate it for its crassness, sometimes its sheer stupidity… And its fascinatingly sneaky psychology!
Anyway, however you look at it, it’s sure given me some interesting Paris street photos over the years, and for that I am truly thankful.
WORDPIC: ‘advertising‘ ~ The act of trying to tempt or persuade someone to buy something. Not to be confused with ‘publicity’. You normally have to pay for advertising – like the poster in this photograph – whereas publicity, such as an interview in a magazine, is usually free.
~ Day 2: ‘fever / corny‘ ~
WORDPICs of the DAY: ‘fever / corny‘ ~ Royal baby fever was raging the last time I was over in the UK. And when the princess finally popped, the newspapers were falling over themselves to produce, quite successfully, some of the corniest headlines I’ve ever seen.
VOCABULARY: ‘fever‘ ~ When someone has a high temperature OR when someone is very excited about something. ‘corny‘ ~ something, like a joke or a headline, which is unoriginal, clichéd, embarrassing, or just simply really bad!
~ Day 3: ‘tour guide‘ ~
EXPRESSION of the DAY: ‘tour guide‘ ~ There are different types of tour guide. With some, you get to know a place ‘through the eyes’ of a local, hearing interesting stories, asking questions and getting to know them a bit too. Then there are the ones who hold little red plastic hands in the air, which you follow like sheep, stopping now and then to hear boring facts taken from some tourist guide book. Which sort do you prefer?
EXPRESSION: ‘tour guide‘ ~ This is someone who shows you around a place they know where you are on holiday. Style and quality will vary greatly; it’s a highly personalised business.
~ Day 4: ‘honest‘ ~
WORDPIC of the DAY: ‘honest‘ ~ Now be honest: it’s not every day you see a kangaroo slap bang next to the Eiffel Tower, is it? And what’s even better is, he (or she) looks rather Eiffel Tower-shaped if you ask me. Love life’s coincidences 🙂
VOCABULARY: ‘honest‘ ~ Telling the truth; not telling lies. Like the fact that I lived in Australia for a year and stroked a kangaroo which was one of the softest things I’ve ever touched. Honest!
~ Day 5: ‘meditation / hustle & bustle‘ ~
WORDPIC of the DAY: ‘meditation/hustle & bustle‘ ~ In this world of hustle and bustle, it’s still possible to find a time and a place for a little megapixel meditation, even when surrounded by tourists on the Champs Élysées…
VOCABULARY: ‘meditation‘ ~ Spending time in quiet thought or reflection; EXPRESSIONS ‘hustle and bustle‘ ~ lots of people being busy and going about their business, like in big city streets.
~ Day 6: ‘herringbone sky‘ ~
EXPRESSION of the DAY: ‘herringbone sky‘ ~ This spectacular herringbone sky, only slightly altered by the wonders of modern technology, accompanied us on the way back home to the southern suburbs of Paris the other day. I think it’s the season for them.
EXPRESSION: ‘herringbone sky‘ ~ A specific cloud formation which can look very similar to… herring bones! A herring is a type of fish. With lots of bones.
~ Day 7: ‘expect the unexpected‘ ~
EXPRESSION of the DAY: ‘expect the unexpected‘ ~ When taking photos in Paris for creative reasons, like for these Wordpics and expressions, I have learned to expect the unexpected. Like someone doing press ups on a metro platform. And why not?!
EXPRESSION: ‘expect the unexpected‘ ~ This means being mentally or physically ready for new or surprising situations. In my case, as a Paris street photographer, I have my camera ready, my finger on the button and my eyes… everywhere.
Go To Week 7
*NOTE: I, Sab Will, creator of the Fun English Lessons web site, have been a passionate Paris street photographer for many years. Most of the photos you see in the WordPic and in the Quick Quiz sections of this site come from my iPhone Paris street photography project. I hope you like them! Comments on our Facebook Page are welcome 😀
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